Articles about climate change

In December talks in Paris involving more than 200 countries may result in a new agreement aimed at reducing carbon emissions. In the months leading up to the conference, The Economist will be publishing guest columns by experts on the economic issues involved. Here, John Quiggin of the University of Queensland, Australia, argues why policymakers need to take further action to reduce carbon emissions if climate change is worse than expected.
WITH global temperature data setting new records each month, "sceptical" positions about climate change have crumbled. Those seeking a more credible basis for opposing action to reduce carbon emissions have shifted their ground. Most have moved to the view advocated by "lukewarmers" like Bjorn Lomborg: that unmitigated global warming would not be so bad after all, and that adaptation is the best response.
Surprisingly, advocates of this view cite the authority of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for this assertion. The leading source for this claim is Jim Manzi, editor of the National Review, who summarises the evidence presented in the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report as follows:
There are six estimates for expected impacts of warming at 3°C or above, with a median estimated impact of a 3.6 percent reduction in global GDP for 3–4.9°C of warming.
If this claim is combined with a high-end estimate of the cost of holding warming to 2°C, of up to 5% of global GDP, then action to mitigate climate change will harm the world more than the economic impact of climate change itself. So, lukewarmers such as Mr Manzi conclude, we should not bother with interventionist policies like carbon taxes and emissions trading schemes.

Energy in three dimensions: the rationale for energy policy must be about more than climate change and green energy.(RETHINKING ENERGY POLICY): An article from: Issues in Science and Technology Book (National Academy of Sciences) |
How attitudes shape our future: our feelings and attitudes about the future and its risks can lead to either triumph or disaster. Using global warming ... explains why.: An article from: The Futurist Book (Thomson Gale) |
How We Know What We Know About Our Changing Climate.(How We Know What We Know About Our Changing Climate: Scientists and Kids Explore Global ... An article from: Reviewer's Bookwatch Book (Midwest Book Review) |
Atomic idyll: global warming has given nuclear power new appeal. But is the cost too great?(Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy)(Book review): An article from: OnEarth Book (Thomson Gale) |
Thinking about the Arctic's Future: Scenarios for 2040: the warming of the Arctic could mean more circumpolar transportation and access for the rest ... refugees.: An article from: The Futurist Book (Thomson Gale) |