Ecological Footprint

Ecological footprint calculator WWF
WWF seeks to change human behaviour globally so that we can live within the means of one planet – a planet where both people and nature thrive. WWF has a range of sustainability initiatives to support this goal. We aim to bring sustainability to production, trade and human consumption. By working with…

Ecological footprint represents
Final Report The post production phase is over, and the research on the Ecological Footprint of the 100% Environmentally Friendly Show has come to an end. The making of the show required in total around five global hectares (gha) of bioproductive land. The figure below illustrates what caused this imprint…

What does your Ecological footprint measure?
We all know we need to change our lifestyles and become more sustainable. We talk about it, and some of us actively try to, but honestly, most of us don t. Living more sustainably clearly needs to be easier, more interesting and more fun. This is within reach. Technology is evolving to enable us to measure…

Personal Ecological footprint calculator
Every year, Global Footprint Network continues to improve the methodology for calculating the Ecological Footprint. The most recent Calculation Method paper has been accepted for publication in the journal Ecological Indicators: Integrating Sciences for Monitoring, Assessment and Management. The paper…

What is your Ecological footprint?
An ecological footprint is the quantity of natural resources (energy, water, land) needed to support our life-styles or businesses. Ecological footprints are often expressed as an area (global hectares), and Australia’s ecological footprint is a staggering 7 global hectares per person. Even if you think…

Table 1: Countries and their EF in proportion to the world average, the world area available (1), and their GDP per capita(2). Understanding Ecological Footprint Ecological footprint is a term that has become increasingly popular over the years as humans have started to have a more and more negative…