Ecological Footprint

Ecological footprint game
Ecological Footprint can be used as a classroom assignment or discussion. The lesson will support classroom units that examine energy use, efficiency, conservation and climate change. Connecticut Energy Education suggests using the Ecological Footprint as an attention grabbing introduction to understanding…

Bigfoot Ecological footprint
Ecology home > Climate Change > Shrink Your Carbon Footprint Pledge © Copyrighted City of Bellevue 2008- adapted with permission What is a Carbon Bigfoot? In our day to day lives, we all leave an impression on our environment. As we learn more about climate change and global warming, we…

Reduce your Ecological footprint
Our Ecological Footprint ~ York Region Environmental Alliance ~ COMPOST and Reduce Your Ecological Footprint By Cathy Nesbitt Composting is a wonderful way to reduce your ecological footprint and produce a natural soil amendment for lawns and gardens. It is estimated that the average Canadian household…

Ecological footprint statistics
Demand on natural resources has doubled since 1966, suggests the Living Planet report. ((iStock)) Global resources are being tapped at an alarming rate as developed countries consumption patterns outstrip current resources, according to a report released Wednesday by the World Wildlife Fund. There…

World average Ecological footprint
Today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.5 planets to provide the resources we use and absorb our waste. This means it now takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year. Moderate UN scenarios suggest that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s…

Ecological footprint Videos
Senior Scientist Alessandro Galli delivered a talk in the Athenian Parliament last week during a Special Permanent Committee on Environmental Protection. The session theme was titled, “How MPs can contribute to the efficient depollution of the Mediterranean.” Galli was asked to deliver a Framework Setting…

Measuring Your Ecological footprint
The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth’s ecosystems. An ecological footprint is a standard measurement of a unit’s influence on its habitat based on consumption and pollution. It compares human demand with planet Earths’s ecological capacity to regenerate. Think of it this…

Ecological footprint Articles
We present a comprehensive review of perceptions and methods around the Ecological Footprint (EF), based on a survey of more than 50 international EF stakeholders and a review of more than 150 original papers on EF methods and applications over the last decade. The key points identified in the survey…

Australias Ecological footprint
In Victoria we consume more than our fair share of the planet’s resources. Our impact on our environment – our ecological footprint – is a measure of how much water and productive land we need to support us. Low-income countries, for example, have an average ecological footprint of 0.8 global hectares…