Global Climate Change

Images of climate change and global warming
This composite image uses a number of swaths of the Earth s surface taken on January 4, 2012. Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring Over the last 100 years, global temperatures have warmed by about 1.33 degrees Fahrenheit (0.74 degrees Celsius) on average. The change may seem minor, but…

Global climate change and Its effects
31 March 2014 – The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today issued a report saying the effects of climate change are already occurring on all continents and across the oceans. The world, in many cases, is ill-prepared for risks from a changing climate. The report also concludes that there…

Global weather changes
Generally, climate and weather watchers have noticed that arid regions are drier, wetter regions are wetter, and many feel this is a consequence of global warming. Increased temperatures may increase the intensity of precipitation; this is a matter of physics. As air temperature increase, the air is…

Global climate change predictions
It is often said that non-scientists must rely on “expert opinion” to determine whether claims on alleged “catastrophic man-made global warming” are true. Putting aside the fact that there is no global-warming “consensus” among experts, one does not have to be a scientist, or even proficient in science…

Cause of global warming and climate change
It took more than 20 years to broadly accept that mankind is causing global warming with the emission of greenhouse gases. The drastic increase in the emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide) within the last 30 years caused by burning fossil fuels has been identified as the major reason for the change of temperature…

Essay on global warming and climate change
1 Best climate change tweet ever: @Scott Westerfeld: Plot idea: 97% of the world s scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires & oil companies. Warning to humanity: Over three decades ago, James Hansen, a startled a U.S. Senate committee meeting…

Signs of global climate change
Ian Joughin A new study published Thursday in the journal Science provides the most definitive — and accurate — evidence yet that polar ice caps on Greenland and Antarctica are melting. Shrinking ice is not the only telltale sign that climate change is real. From rising air and ocean temperatures to…

Encyclopedia of global warming and climate change
Encyclopedia of Global Warming Complete, authoritative coverage of the science, policy, and social issues surrounding global warming and climate change. The provides comprehensive coverage of the questions of global warming and climate change, including scientific descriptions and explanations of all…

Effects of global warming on climate change
As the planet warms, scientists expect certain areas to receive more precipitation while others will see a decrease in annual rain and snowfall. Though the exact changes vary by location and region, as a general rule currently wet areas will get wetter and dry areas will become drier. This trend greatly…