Global warming Journal articles

ISSN online: 1758-2091
ISSN print: 1758-2083
8 issues per year
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IJGW aims to bring all disciplines together for local/global solutions to combat global warming and its consequences. It focuses around nine main pillars: better remediation, avoidance, efficiency, cost effectiveness, design, resource utilisation, environmental quality, energy security, and sustainable development. It also address issues related to global changes as a direct/indirect result of climate modification and strategies for adaptation to such changes. IJGW covers disciplines as diverse as engineering, climate science, ecology, economics, education, management, information sciences, politics, strategy development, etc.
Topics covered include
- Atmospheric changes, acid precipitation, aerosols, ozone depletion, smog
- Biofuels and alternatives, carbon sequestration, carbon tax
- Climate change modelling/simulation
- Climate networks, weather forecasts/scenarios
- Earth sciences, ecology, ecosystems, biodiversity
- Energy/environment policies/strategies/security/technologies
- Global warming modelling/simulation
- Engineering tools, IT, green design/manufacturing
- Greenhouse gases, emissions and control, exergetic improvements
- Human health/welfare issues, education/training
- Hurricanes and climatic/catastrophic events, deforestation
- Renewables, hydrogen/nuclear/other cleaner energy resources/technologies
- Solid/municipal wastes, waste management
- Sustainable development, economy, environment and health
- Urban/regional planning, water/water issues, food and agriculture
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The objectives of IJGW are to establish an effective channel of communication between professionals, academics, researchers, scientists, engineers, and policymakers in academia and research institutions, government agencies, all sectors (industrial, residential, commercial, governmental, transportation, utilities, etc.), and other private organisations with a common goal to understand global warming and its consequences and bring local and global solutions to these. It also aims to promote and coordinate developments in the field of global warming and global change. The dimension of the journal is diverse and global because of the nature of the topic on global warming and global changes.
ReadershipIJGW provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers, scientists, engineers and policymakers, working in the fields of energy, environment, and sustainable development with a primary focus on bringing local and global solutions to global warming and its global changes, to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work.
ContentsIJGW publishes high-quality original papers, review articles, and technical notes in the area of global warming, covering a diverse range of topics and problems related but not limited to energy, environment, ecology, climate, economy, fuels, social and physical infrastructure, clean and green technologies, sustainable development, policy and strategy development, etc., with a common goal of addressing an issue or bringing a solution to the issue. Those pertaining to modelling, theory, analysis, computational methods and simulations, design, experiments, visualisation and measurement techniques are also appropriate for the journal. IJGW will also include letters to the editor, book reviews, an events calendar, etc.
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2015 Vol. 8 No. 2
2015 Vol. 8 No. 1
Honorary Editor
- Veziroglu, T. Nejat, IAHE, USA
Editor in Chief
- Dincer, Ibrahim, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada

David G. Victor. The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol, and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming.(Book review): An article from: Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy Book (Thomson Gale) |