Global Warming

What does the word global warming mean?
| May 5. 2014. 12:15 Does evidence suggest the words “global warming” make people care more about “climate change”? No social shares yet Does giving a problem a different name increase public support for solving it? It depends which poll you look at. Yesterday, the Guardian reported a new survey showing…

International global warming
Global warming could wipe out vast numbers of marine species, a new report from a international group of researchers finds. Climate change, including rising temperatures, could force many species to relocate their native habitats, investigators conclude. Several varieties of fish are already migrating…

Global warming future map
Global warming is now recognized by almost all scientists, and they recognize that humans are increasing the rate of global warming. Global warming has become a major concern of humanity since the middle of the 20th century. It was namely then that the first increase in the Earth’s temperature was registered…

Global warming Weather effects
In the 1980s and early 1990s, a series of scientific papers published by Soviet scientists and Western scientists (including prominent scientists Dr. Carl Sagan, host of the PBS Cosmos TV series, and Nobel Prize winner Paul Crutzen) laid out the dire consequences on global climate of a major nuclear…

Global warming temperature rise
A couple sit on Brighton beach - in Caroline Lucas constituency - earlier this week during unseasonably hot weather (PA) “If we do not act now, there is even a 1 in 10 risk of going beyond 6C by 2100. We would surely not accept such a high risk of disaster in other realms of society. As a comparison…

Global warming scientific definition
Climate Change Introduction The phrase refers to the documented historical warming of the Earth s surface based upon worldwide temperature records that have been maintained by humans since the 1880s. The term global warming is often used synonymously with the term climate change, but the two terms have…

Why is global warming controversial?
The carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by natural phenomena like volcanoes and human activities around burning fossil fuels has sent levels in the atmosphere soaring above what they were a century ago. Dumping iron dust in the seas or placing smoke and mirrors in the sky to dim the sun could…

Human Impact on global warming
Global temperature are expected to continue rising, but cutting emissions now will lessen the steepness of the increase (see References 1, page 9). The consensus in the scientific community is that global warming is caused by human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels. Changes attributed…