Bioecological Model of Human development

The Bioecological Model of Human Development
October 2, 2015 – 03:05 pm

Author:Urie Bronfenbrenner and Pamela A. Morris

Organisation: Handbook of Child Psychology

Method: Creative thinking

Theme: Public Good

Type: Other publication

Language: English

Tags: Bioecological, Context, Macrosystem, Microsystem, Person, Proximal processes, Time

The bioecological model is an evolving theoretical system for the scientific study of human development over time. The model presented in this chapter represents major theoretical innovations from the 1983 chapter in both form and content. The new model is not a paradigm shift, but rather represents a transition from a focus on the environment to a focus on proximal processes as engines of development. We begin with the defining properties of the model, which involves four principal components (process, person, context, and time), and the dynamic, interactive relationships among them. We then turn to the research designs required for testing the model. In doing so, we not only present the next stage in the evolution of an ecological theory of human development, but we also document the requirements for conducting developmental research in the discovery mode. We conclude with a look to the future—and what the bioecological model means for the future development of our species.

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Popular Q&A
What is the hourglass model of human development?

The human developmental model based on biological age rather than chronological age. The idea is that once the "sand" reaches the midpoint, progression has completed and one now enters the regression stage of life (typically around the age of 30). Factors that influence the hourglass model are heredity and environment. At the bottom of the hourglass (first to develop) is reflexive movement phase, then Rudimentary movement phase, Fundamental movement phase.

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