What is the Body Ecology Diet?

Complete Superfood Nutrition
What makes Vitality SuperGreen different from all the other green drinks on the market today? It’s the very alkalizing formula - the fermented algae blend, red marine blend, intestinal support blend and fermented green veggies —specially created by Donna Gates—that soothes and is very healing to the gut lining. A generous amount of nutrient-rich elements like L-glutamine, FOS from chicory inulin, GMO-free Sunflower Lecithin, and aloe vera extract (200:1) help establish and maintain a healthy inner ecosystem. We’ve spared no cost in blending together an extraordinary spectrum (or life force) of fermented algae and cereal grasses, fermented green veggies, enzymes, probiotics and food-based supplements providing you the highest quality fermented green drink on the market today.
Nourish Your Inner Ecosystem with 2 scoops per day.
Vitality SuperGreen:
- Helps heal Leaky Gut with key ingredients that help rebuild the lining of the intestines
- Strengthens immunity so you feel more energetic and vibrant
- Offers an excellent source of complete nutrition - easily assimilated protein, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, lignans, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids, and beneficial microflora.
- Gluten Free • Soy Free • Dairy Free, Sugar Free, Organic, Vegan
- Provides healthy food for beneficial microflora - a potent, mineral-rich blend of fermented algae and red marine algae
- Fermented to magnify bioavailability
- Rich in antioxidants and an excellent source of B-12
- Detoxifies the body to help maintain a healthy weight
- Unlike many superfoods on the market today, Vitality SuperGreen tastes great!
Research from Rice University shows that 70 percent of all people are affected by Candida, a systemic fungal infection.1 According to the molecular biologists at Rice University, Candida is common in humans and is often found in colonies in their intestines, mouths, or on their skin. When researchers delved deeper into how Candida albicans moved throughout the body, with findings published in the journal PLOS One, they noted that the "remarkable pathogen" Candida can cause infection in the body that is both superficial and systemic by penetrating epithelial barriers.2
If you have a strong immune system, you could still unknowingly have a fungal/yeast infection. It most likely is low-grade and chronic.
A Harvard University fellow in infectious disease, Julia Koehler, found that Candida is the predominant fungal infection behind human disease. According to Koehler, Candida was responsible for 60 percent of the fungal infections acquired in hospitals, killing one in three people with a bloodstream infection. Comparing Candida's shape-shifting ability to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Koehler considered the fungus particularly dangerous because of its ability to change forms. When immunity is low, Candida can take over, and a systemic infection can quickly become lethal.3
Based on research published in the Journal of the German Society of Dermatology, Candida albicans overgrowth may be responsible for 50 to 90 percent of Candida infection and could be at the root of some chronic disease.4

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