Ways to Reduce Your Ecological footprint
Reducing your ecological footprint is something that everyone can do—and it needn’t be a complicated or tiresome process. With just a few changes, you can easily make your presence on Mother Earth less obvious. Here's how:
Start at Home
Your own abode is the ideal place to start reducing your ecological footprint, since it’s a place in which you typically have the most control. The ways you can do this range from simple to complex. Implement them all, and you’re well on your way to significantly reducing your impact on our green planet.
- Take shorter showers to save water
- Install energy-saving light bulbs
- Buy energy-efficient appliances
- Recycle everything your community allows—glass, aluminum, paper and plastic
Exert Your Influence Further
There are also practices you can implement outside your home that can make a significant difference in whittling away at your ecological footprint. One of the best—and most satisfying—methods is to shop at your local artisans and crafters whenever possible. Seek out recycled products when you’re shopping. Visiting a local farmers market gives you access to fresh foods without the added cost and energy required to ship produce and other goods to your area.
You will make an even more pronounced effect by bringing your own tote or cloth bags when you shop. You can also plan your errands so that you’re running them all on the same day. This works especially well if your errands are in the same general location. Additionally, your energy savings will be especially satisfying.

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Essex Green Living
Essex apartment homes have a steadfast commitment to make every day Earth Day. Since 2006, Essex has embraced sustainability and feature communities in California or Washington that meet state - or national-level recognition—with more expected in the future as the list keeps growing.
Northern California
Southern California
* Met certification design, pending final project completion
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