Global Climate Change

Arguments against global climate change
If you want to start a lively conversation going the next time you are out among friends, ask if people think global warming is real. It is a hot button issue for many and the arguments for and against global warming can be confusing as they may appear to use the same data to prove different results…

Global warming effects on climate change
Extreme weather events have become more frequent and costly in recent decades. In 2011 and 2012 alone, 25 extreme weather events caused $188 billion in damages and 1, 100 fatalities. In 2012, eight million people across 21 states lost power as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Such extreme weather events…

Does global warming cause climate change
Syrian workers living in Jordan work on a tomato farm in Shouneh. Varying degrees of drought are hitting almost two thirds of the limited arable land across Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the Palestinian territories, and some researchers say it’s contributing to conflict. Photograph: Muhammad Hamed/Reuters…

Global climate change News articles
Two new studies are adding to concerns about one of the most troubling scenarios for future climate change: the possibility that global warming could slow or shut down the Atlantic’s great ocean circulation systems, with dramatic implications for North America and Europe. The research, by separate teams…

Definition global climate change
Earth s climate is changing The global average temperature has increased by more than 1.5°F since the late 1800s. Some regions of the world have warmed by more than twice this amount. The buildup of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere and the warming of the planet are responsible for other changes, such…

Why is global climate change a problem?
What the science says Select a level Basic A large amount of warming is delayed, and if we don’t act now we could pass tipping points. Global warming is an increasingly urgent problem. The urgency isn’t obvious because a large amount of warming is being delayed. But some of the latest research says if…

Global climate change Data
How have we come to be told that global temperatures have suddenly taken a great leap upwards to their highest level in 1, years? In fact, it has been no greater than their upward leaps between 1860 and 1880, and 1910 and 1940, as part of that gradual natural warming since the world emerged from its…

Human caused global climate change
How do we know current global warming is human caused, or man made? Is global warming real, or a hoax? Consider the facts: the climate system is indicated to have left the natural cycle path; multiple lines of evidence and studies from different fields all point to the human fingerprint on current climate…

Global warming climate change facts
Of 2 (Photo : Brian Gratwicke | Flickr) Global warming and climate change affect absolutely everyone and everything on this planet, but with so many models, theories, and predictions, it can get confusing to know who or what to believe about the environment anymore. Here are 21 facts that we know about…