Global Warming

Why is it called global warming?
| Let’s be clear: The planet is still getting hotter. The so-called pause, or hiatus, in global warming means the rate of temperature rise has slowed. The average global temperature is still going up, but in the past 10 to 15 years it hasn’t been going up as quickly as it was in the decades before. Although…

Natural global warming facts
Massive volcanic eruptions can impact radiative forcing, the balance of radiation reaching the Earth and broadcast back into space (see References 1). Over the past two centuries, human activity has increased the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) like carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere, and scientists…

Environmental Consequences of global warming
Which analyzes results from our national survey conducted in October 2014, finds that Americans are generally unaware of the potential health consequences of global warming. Key findings include: • Few Americans have thought much about the health consequences of global warming. Asked how often, if ever…

Global warming is real article
Global warming is unequivocal. Sea levels are creeping up at the fastest rate in 2, years. Concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have reached levels unprecedented in at least the last 800, years (or before modern humans evolved). Most importantly human influence on the climate system is clear…

Current News about global warming
For centuries, the oceans steadily cooled mostly due to large and frequent volcanic eruptions with some of the most frigid conditions occurring in what is known as the Little Ice Age. But that began to change in the 19th century, when humans started burning more fossil fuels and increasing greenhouse…

Facts about global warming effects
More from global warming: Global warming threatens our health, our economy, our natural resources, and our children’s future. It is clear we must act. – Eliot Spitzer 1. Myth: Global warming isn’t real: Fact: If you only look at one side of the coin without doing research, you’re left to your own personal…

What is happening with global warming?
There’s an old joke, maybe best known from Woody Allen film Annie Hall: “Two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of them says, ‘Boy, the food at this place is really terrible.’ The other one says, ‘Yeah, I know; and such small portions. ” I think about that when I see corporate media…

Importance of global warming
In our spring 2014 national survey, we asked Americans who are registered to vote how important 19 different issues will be to their vote in the 2014 Congressional election. Here we focus only on those who say an issue will be “very important” to their vote – the strongest possible response. Fewer than…

Biggest causes of global warming
A more in-depth review of the top five causes of global warming with focus on the negative effects of each one. Global warming is a serious issue in our lives today. To better understand what it means for us and our world, we need to understand the causes and effects of global warming. First, let’s look…