Global Warming

What can prevent global warming?
Shut off a light, avert global warming—seem too simple? Yet Vanderbilt’s Climate Change Research Network (CCRN) says revised individual behavior can do just that. The interdisciplinary network integrates faculty and student researchers in natural sciences, social and behavioral sciences, engineering…

People causing global warming
This morning, the climate science community released its latest consensus report. More than 600 researchers from 32 countries reviewed more than 9, peer-reviewed studies for this report compiled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and signed-off by governments around the world. It is the…

Global warming temperature Increase per year
A coal mine in Wyoming in the US. Global warming caused by burning fossil fuel burning is due to speed up, according to a new study published in Nature Climate Change. Photograph: Mae Ryan for the Guardian People need to brace themselves for accelerating climate change that could alter the way we live…

10 effects of global warming
Hostilities and conflicts amongst countries are constantly on the rise as nations are competent and ruthless when it comes to acquiring resources. An important example of this is the genocide in the Darfur region situated in Sudan or the Somalian war with roots in the reduction of its natural resources…

History on global warming
Richard Tol: There is disagreement on the extent to which humans contributed to the observed warming. This is part and parcel of a healthy scientific debate. Photograph: Frank Augstein/AP I show that the 97% consensus claim does not stand up. At best, Nuccitelli, John Cook and colleagues may have accidentally…

Facts that prove global warming is real
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: You know, the global warming crowd is back. What was it, the UN, the IPP, UPP, we PP, whatever the group is. The climate science group says there s 95% certainty now that the undeniable global warming is undeniably caused by human beings. That was last week. It is a hoax. All of…

What is good about global warming?
The negative consequences of global warming are well-documented — melting ice caps, rising sea levels, loss of habitat for polar bears and countless other species, mass disruptions and dislocations around the world as formerly habitable areas become unlivable. It sounds like the world’s going to become…

Global warming effects and causes
Being concerned about global warming doesn’t make apparent sense when you’re knee-deep in snow… In New England, roofs have been collapsing due to extraordinary snowfall amounts, as freezing weather delayed melting, and snow accumulations increased to the breaking point in some structures. Across the…

Greenhouse effect VS global warming
By Genevieve Wanucha There’s a tricky chemical trade-off at work in our skies. As greenhouse gases provide their famous warming effect to Earth’s surface, aerosol pollution in the atmosphere actually partly counteracts it. Aerosols are tiny particles suspended in the air, both natural and industrial…