Ecological Footprint

My Ecological footprint calculator
My curiosity was piqued by the video GFN released for its crowdfunding campaign to build a Footprint calculator mobile application. (The campaign ends December 5th, so definitely check it out!) The Global Footprint Calculator provides an interactive way for you to answer questions about various aspects…

Canadian Ecological footprint
WWF Canada has the world s 8th largest ecological footprint per capita, according to WWF s Living Planet Report 2012, which was released on Tuesday. If the entire world lived like Canadians do, it would take 3.5 Earths to support the demand, the report says. More than half of Canada’s total footprint…

Ecological footprint calculator Canada
Country Trends Curious about the Footprints of individual countries? This graph tracks the per-person Ecological Footprint and biocapacity in Canada since 1961. Both are measured in global hectares. Biocapacity per person varies each year with ecosystem management, agricultural practices (such as fertilizer…

Ecological footprint calculator India
June 30th marks the ecological deficit day of India in 2015 . The nation’s demand for food, timber and carbon dioxide absorption now exceeds what the nation’s ecosystems can renew over the full year, according to Global Footprint Network’s 2015 National Footprint Accounts. It would take two Indias to…

Ways to Reduce Your Ecological footprint
Reducing your ecological footprint is something that everyone can do—and it needn’t be a complicated or tiresome process. With just a few changes, you can easily make your presence on Mother Earth less obvious. Here s how: Start at Home Your own abode is the ideal place to start reducing your ecological…

Reducing Your Ecological footprint
Simple changes in our everyday lives can help slow climate change — including reducing our energy consumption, choosing to travel sustainably, and being conscious of what we purchase. It s not only what vehicle we drive or how we heat our homes that determines our carbon footprint. The food we eat also…

What is my Ecological footprint?
Have you ever noticed your footprints in the sand? When you step, you leave a mark which can last a long time after you have left. In the same way, humans place pressure on the environment by the way they live their lives. Scientists came up with the idea of the “ecological footprint” to show how hard…

Measuring Ecological Footprints
Today it is important for people to become familiar with the idea of Ecological Footprint. It’s a method of accounting utilized by business, governments as well as educational institutions to measure the biological sustainability of the earth based on the activities of people and their growing populations…

Average American Ecological footprint
In the process of researching and writing our free eBook ‘Emit This’ I mapped out the average American’s carbon footprint. The result was the tree map above which shows the typical spending of an American results in 19 t CO2e of greenhouse gas emissions, split into 5 categories. A further 5 t CO2e results…