Global climate change organizations

Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment (E3)’s Role
The Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment supports other USAID Bureaus and Missions, as well as partner countries and communities around the world, to help them access the data, tools and support they need to address climate change. E3 also works to integrate climate change considerations into programs across USAID’s development portfolio via training, applied research and support for mission-led projects.
In all, USAID support for climate-smart development reaches more than 50 countries around the world, with on average about $335 million per year from fiscal years 2010-2015. About two-thirds of this support is delivered in-country by USAID missions. One-third is delivered through regional and global programs, which provide policy and technical expertise as well as information, tools and solutions. E3 supports key global programs including:
- EC-LEDS: Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies is a flagship U.S. climate change program led by USAID and the State Department. E3 coordinates the EC-LEDS program within USAID, managing the technical support provided by U.S. government agencies to two dozen partner countries around the world. Low Emission Development Strategies help ensure that climate investments support coherent national frameworks that put countries on a path to low-carbon growth and ultimately lower emissions.
- SERVIR-Global is a partnership between USAID and NASA that is helping countries and communities around the world to access and use satellite data and geospatial information and tools. SERVIR currently reaches 37 countries through a network of regional hubs, established with leading science institutions in Eastern and Southern Africa, Mesoamerica and the Hindu Kush-Himalaya and Lower Mekong regions.
- SilvaCarbon helps more than half a dozen tropical forest nations identify and fill critical gaps in their capacity to map, monitor and manage the carbon stored in tropical forests.

No sign of consensus on climate change. (Canada's Climate Change Task Group fails to frame concrete action plan to stop global warming): An article from: Canadian Chemical News Book (Chemical Institute of Canada) |