Global Warming

Reducing the global warming
Sure, as an individual you can do many things in your home for reducing global warming. In this connection first you need to focus the areas, which are the biggest source of global warming. The first thing is definitely gasses that come from your home cooling, electricity and heating appliances, if you…

Global warming Association
More and more Christians believe that concern for climate change is inferred by their faith, since it is a natural outgrowth of caring for the environment and the world’s poor. Excerpted below is part of an excellent new discussion paper, “Loving the Least of These: Addressing a Changing Climate, ” thoughtfully…

Human Induced global warming
A group of 3, 146 earth scientists surveyed around the world overwhelmingly agree that in the past 200-plus years, mean global temperatures have been rising, and that human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures. Credit: iStockphoto While the harsh winter pounding…

Questions on global warming
What difference can a few degrees make? Earth s temperature has gone up 1.4 degrees in the last century. That may not sound like a big deal. But if you ve ever fallen through melting ice on a skating pond, you know what difference a few degrees can make. As Earth heats up, the Sun sucks water from the…

Global warming and Water Shortages
Global warming is expected to account for about 20 percent of the global increase in water scarcity this century. It is predicted that global warming will alter precipitation patterns around the world, melt mountain glaciers, and worsen the extremes of droughts and floods. Global water consumption increased…

David Archer global warming
Whether they like it or not, students come to the University of Chicago fully aware that, before they graduate, they will have to spend about one third of their time here meeting Core requirements. Chemistry majors will write essays on political theorists or social philosophers in their Sosc classes;…

Current articles on global warming
According to the American Energy Information Administration (EIA) and to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world-wide energy consumption will on average continue to increase by 2% per year. A yearly increase by 2% leads to a doubling of the energy consumption every 35 years. This means the world-wide…

Greenpeace global warming
Fighting Global Warming To win the fight against climate change, it’s time for a renewable energy [r]evolution The devastating impacts of climate change are clear. Our world is warmer than ever before, and people and wildlife are already suffering the consequences. But that’s nothing compared to what…

Global warming proof against
A NOAA analysis using updated global surface temperature data disputes the existence of a 21st century global warming slowdown. The new analysis suggests no discernable decrease in the rate of warming between the second half of the 20th century, a period marked by manmade warming, and the first fifteen…